Tag Archives: love

Children Unaffected By Controversial Cheerios Commercial

Posted on July 17, 2013 by vanwestmedia

Children are so innocent and are led through the influence of others. Many blame the media for such things but in actuality, it is from their elders and those around them. A Cheerios commercial includ … Continue reading →

Say It With Bacon This Father’s Day

Posted on June 07, 2013 by vanwestmedia

As Father's Day is soon approaching, we understand that sometimes it's difficult to find the perfect present for your beloved dad. Oscar Meyer understood men and their universal love for all things me … Continue reading →

United Through Tragedy of Boston Marathon

Posted on April 17, 2013 by vanwestmedia

Through social media and the news, word was spread about the incident quickly and everyone was informed of the tragic event. With something as tragic as the Boston Marathon bombings, came the unity o … Continue reading →

Social Media Spreads DOMA Nation

Posted on March 29, 2013 by vanwestmedia

Gay marriage has been all the hype in politics lately but what has pushed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is the interaction of social media. Many have wondered why red boxes with a pink equal sign … Continue reading →