Tag Archives: ads

Are You Making Money With Your Online Ads?

Posted on July 02, 2013 by vanwestmedia

Making online ads just like any other type of advertising is a gamble. You put all this money to create these ads to place out there hoping that people will respond to them and become leads. However, … Continue reading →

Using Profanity to Build Your Brand

Posted on June 17, 2013 by vanwestmedia

Some people see profanity in media as a negative aspect but then again, what can make an ad more real than adding language that relates to people at one point or another. Marketeers saw the "realness" … Continue reading →

FREE Premium Content Upgrades

Posted on May 22, 2013 by vanwestmedia

Mobile users know the annoyance of having ads invade your applications but paying for a premium app seems unnecessary as well. Advertisers have decided to work with customers in this process by viewin … Continue reading →

Advertising Errors: Big Macs and Mental Health

Posted on April 12, 2013 by vanwestmedia

Are you addicted to Big Macs? Can you stop eating them anytime you want? Do you drown your emotional sorrows with this tasty burger? McDonald's created a "Mental-Health parody" to advertise their wid … Continue reading →

Holiday Inn Express: Bringing the Extraordinary Out of the Ordinary

Posted on April 10, 2013 by vanwestmedia

What captures the attention of people is the impact an advertisement has on its audience.  Whether it affects people physically or emotionally, people need to want what the brand has to offer. By bri … Continue reading →

OREO: Conquering the World Socially

Posted on March 08, 2013 by vanwestmedia

OREO won the "Social Media Bowl" by shooting out their instantaneous "Dunk in the Dark" ad through Twitter during the blackout. However, this wasn't the first time OREO conquered through social media. … Continue reading →

Superbowl Marketing Meets Mobile

Posted on February 04, 2013 by vanwestmedia

There is no event on TV other than the New Years Eve countdown that is seen by more people than the Superbowl. With that said, it's obvious why the commercials during the game are worth millions. This … Continue reading →