Belkin · Burden · Goldman, LLP

Belkin · Burden · Goldman, LLP

Belkin · Burden · Goldman, LLP (BBG) is one of the top real estate law firms in New York. The firm approached Van West Media to redesign and create a website that better represented BBWG’s reputation, skillset and experience. Van West Media specializes in websites for law firms and was excited to take on this project.

The process started with discovery and competitive analysis. This allowed our team to better understand BBG, the practice areas, and the lawyers and partners that help distinguish it from competing firms in New York. The design phase for this custom website was a comprehensive process that took the client through sitemaps, wireframes, design compositions and interactive models. Communication was transparent and clear throughout the entire process until the design was approved. The development phase involved turning the design into code to create a fully interactive website.

The website was launched successfully along with a customized CMS to allow for easy updates, edits or changes as needed.

Services Provided:

  • Website Design & Development
  • Email Marketing
  • Information Architecture
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