Category Archives: Design & Development

What is in a Name?

Posted on October 06, 2012 by vanwestmedia

What is in a name?  She wondered the same thing... Whether you're deciding the name of your business or the name of your domain, make it fun, communicative and memorable.  Best way to do this?   … Continue reading →

Balancing Acts

Posted on September 21, 2012 by vanwestmedia

[caption id="attachment_1245" align="alignnone" width="220" caption="photo courtesy of"][/caption] This week's Wired Opinion Article written by the smart John Maeda stressed the … Continue reading →

Posted in Design & Development


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Website Design: A Closer Look

Posted on September 04, 2012 by vanwestmedia

2012 brought a new outlook on web design.  With the affordability of smartphones, web designers have been thinking more about the mobile experience than ever before.  We also took a step forward i … Continue reading →

Secret Ingredients

Posted on August 28, 2012 by vanwestmedia

As much as I want to talk about the fundraiser to help build the Nikola Telsa Museum there are bigger topics at work here. We live in a fast paced world.  There are atrocities that surround us.   … Continue reading →

Ballet and the Internet

Posted on August 08, 2012 by vanwestmedia

As many of you know, our terrific content developer Stephanie Federico has moved on from building content to analytics and handing the content over to me.  I am impressed and inspired by her work and … Continue reading →

Posted in Design & Development

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Comparing Mobile Sites

Posted on July 26, 2012 by vanwestmedia

Every mobile site has its own specifications that fits to its needs. Every feature is different, and some more necessary than others. In this post, I've reviewed 5 e-commerce mobile sites that should … Continue reading →

The KISS Rule Never Fails in M-Commerce

Posted on July 18, 2012 by vanwestmedia is a Seattle-based e-commerce website affiliated with Walgreens and partially owned by Amazon. Given that information, I chose to write about its mobile commerce (m-commerce) site, expec … Continue reading →

Website Review- This is Why Good Web Development is Important

Posted on July 10, 2012 by vanwestmedia

I like to explore the yellow pages for examples of websites because of the wide variety between downright terrible to well designed. The website I chose for this post is not terrible, in fact it sits … Continue reading →