Internet Marketing During Covid-19 Pandemic – Business as Usual Won’t Cut It

July 13, 2020

Standing on the sidelines during this pandemic isn’t a strategy that pulls a business through tough times. Is your company courageous enough to try some fast and cost-effective Internet marketing tactics that you might not have considered before? Email campaigns with a dedicated landing page or geographically limited PPC ad campaigns might help you find business when others can’t.

Landing pages with targeted PPC or Email marketing campaigns:

B2B or B2C landing pages can be an effective and fast way to keep the gears of your business turning while other companies seize up. Combining landing pages with an ad or email marketing campaign is even better. This adds a one-two punch that will always result in driving more leads.

Ask us how

Are Landing Pages the same as Webpages or Websites?

A landing page is not the same thing as a website.

Websites –

These typically have multiple interlinked pages of varied content with a range of menu or navigation options. The idea of most websites is to attract a wide spectrum of viewers from various sources. Once a viewer has arrived, the website should facilitate the visitor journey or experience with as little friction or confusion as possible. Successful websites allow visitors to easily discover, browse, or access the type of information they are looking quickly and without confusion.

Landing Pages –

A landing page is a single page designed with a specific objective in mind. Most landing pages have only one goal they want the visitor to achieve. This goal could be completing a form, downloading a brochure or clicking on a specific link etc. All elements of the landing page should be designed with this single goal in mind.
Landing Page are like Pass/Fail classes. Each visitor either takes the one specific action you want them to and you pass or they don’t and you fail. Little else matters for these visitors.


Example of Webpages vs Landing Pages:

A Law Firm website might have a website with page for each practice area (Real Estate, Litigation, Construction). Visitors seeking any of these services might come to the home page, then navigate deeper into the website to eventually find what they need.

A Law Firm landing page might be one single page focused on only one aspect of Real Estate Law. The content and design of this page is different than the rest of the website. The goal might be for all visitors to fill out a contact form for that specific department only.

Targeted Marketing Campaigns – Email or Ad campaigns that increase visitors

59% of marketers say email is their biggest source of ROI.

Most landing pages are created to be used with targeted marketing campaign. Email or advertising campaigns are the most common. These campaigns are used to increase views, visits and clicks to your landing page.

Visitors with more specific needs can be segmented or targeted with geographically or behaviorally specific Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or emails in the hope they click thru and ‘land’ on your landing page. A marketing campaign that targets a more specific group of your customers and drives them to a specific landing page is more effective.

Why do I need a landing page for my business?

Landing pages can be a quick way to create a new resource for your company that generates leads. These pages attract customers to the services you offer. Your sales team can leverage them to help target clients with new collateral. They can serve as a compliment to your existing website or act as a standalone asset. They can be created without needing access to your website/server to avoid any security or delays, and still live under your domain name.

Effective landing pages for B2B or B2C Campaigns

Simplicity and instant connection is key. Within a second or two, the visitor landing on this page should know they are in the right place. A crystal-clear headline, simple messaging or imagery that immediately communicates to the visitor what the page offers. The visitor should feel a subconscious comfort or ease in navigation the page. The copy should be valuable and any forms or buttons should be easy to complete or stand out. Any distractions or obstacles that might prevent the user from completing the goal should be removed. Usually there are no menus, no links to outside content. Ideally the visitor should only have one path available as they interact with your page – and it should be the one you want them to take.

How do I get started with effective landing pages?

Think about the products or services your company sells, and what you might want to improve/expand/grow etc. If you have a sales team, ask them what type of page might help them or what their leads ask questions about. Next, take 10 minutes to look at your website with fresh eyes and pretend you’ve never seen it before. Do this on your phone and your desktop! Then do it to one or two competitors. Most of the time people forget to review their own website or are too caught up in their own offering to see the confusion it might create for customers.

Once you have some ideas about what you want your landing age to focus on, then you can decide how best to design and build it. Our team at Van West Media can answer any questions related to creating your next landing page. We already work with a leading landing page platform and help companies to create, publish and measure new pages from a variety of industries. These are often a quick alternative to a more lengthy or costly website redesign or update. They can be deployed outside of your existing website framework.


VWM can help you design landing pages, optimize your website or take advantage of this time to better position your website.

Here are some other resources we recommend related to landing pages and marketing campaigns:

Orbit Media Studios blog

Marketing Stats from Emma

Unbounce Landing Page Basics