How Proctor’s Mom-Love Can Help Your Business

August 02, 2012

Oh Proctor and Gamble, how you love to tug on the heartstrings of Americans. You protect our personal hygiene, clean our houses and wash our clothes. You even support the Olympics- and moms. I’ve seen your YouTube channel; I’ve watched your videos.

It’s true, Proctor and Gamble created a campaign that combines the Olympics and Moms. Unless you add puppies into that mix, I’m not sure what could possibly be more touching. Americans love the Olympics, we get choked up during the opening ceremonies, fly our flags a little higher and remember our nationalism. Marketers at Proctor know this and have taken advantage by thanking moms for their Olympian children’s successes.

Does that not warm your heart?

Anyway, the brand posted tons of interviews of moms explaining what it’s like to raise an Olympian onto their YouTube channel as a major part of their campaign. They also posted a few ad-like features with little kids doing “adult” things like shaving and taking part in extreme Olympic sports while their mom’s stand by in support. For the time being, Proctor is practically bleeding the Olympics with its unique video content and social integration.

Proctor and Gamble is constantly thanking moms for things. When the Olympics rolled around, I imagine strategists sat down in a boardroom and thought “how can we connect the Olympics to our brand?” This was the result.

Marketing a business is hard for exactly this reason. Not only do you need to think about yourself, you should also be aware of your surroundings. Take notice of the news and ask, “how can we inject ourselves into this?” It doesn’t have to be as big as the Olympics, but maybe something is happening locally that seems like a match. Take a step back from your brand and devote yourself to something outside of your business. Take a sponsorship to the next level and create unique content surrounding it. In doing this, you may gain a whole new set of eyes.

Here’s some more of Proctor’s work for the Olympics:!