3 Ways to Blog Success in 2014

January 10, 2014

Blog success is pretty difficult due to the number of blogs on the web. In perspective, WordPress powers 74.1 million blogs and that number doesn’t even include those on other platforms including Blogger, Tumblr, etc. You need to understand and recognize your audience’s time and focus in order to gain the best feedback possible and here are some marketing tactics to help you.

1. High-Value Content – There is a difference between high-priced content and high-value content. Your audience could care less about how much you spend to provide content as long as you solve their problems. Problems can range from giving product information to answering customer service questions. Extend these offers with how-to’s for your product including photos for visual learning. When you show prospects how to incorporate your product into their lives, they are more likely to engage in what you have to offer. From recipes to styling and accessorizing, there are endless ways to portray your product into one’s everyday life.

2. Entertain – Don’t just give facts on top of more information for a mundane informational blog. Have a few breaks here and there that give your audience a laugh or cheers them up with things like BuzzFeed articles, memes or gifs that can engage your audience. You can also lighten up your content by telling stories including those that involve your product’s history, how your company is doing in the advertising realm or even a background of your company and its employees. Stories are entertaining and easy to remember when trying to consume knowledge about something. Giving a history of your product or company and employees also gives off the human or “real” aspect of your brand that your audience can relate to.

3. Mix Up Your Content – People get bored of reading the same kind of content over and over again. Discuss an array of topics so that you cover all different aspects of things your brand is related to. By having a organized social media calendar, you can decide what type of information to present and when you want to present it. A calendar allows you to see a whole spread period of time so you don’t talk about the same type of content in such a short period of time. You can even add small changes to your blogs to add some zing such as including quotes, third-party links or videos. Providing different content formats allows you to test out different channels and audiences and see what is the most effective.

Blog success isn’t guaranteed but there are ways that can definitely improve your potential. By providing valuable information in different ways including the content itself and the platform it’s spread from, you will see a change in your audience’s view of your brand. It may only increase by a little at a time or it could double or triple your blog viewership.