Conversion Optimization and Lead Generation

August 24, 2015

conversion optimizationConversion optimization is the system of continually improving a website or landing page in order to increase the percentage of visitors to a site that will convert into leads or customers. Also known as conversion rate optimization (CRO), this system is necessary to keep marketing campaigns continually successful, as simply monitoring landing page conversion rates is not enough.

To keep performance thriving, continuous testing and tweaking should be done in order to deploy methods that increase performance and improve conversion.

An explanation of CRO in a nutshell sounds simple, however, conversion optimization is more complex than you might think. It’s an elaborate system that requires understanding and analysis of other substantial topics such as A/B testing, user behavior, design, intent, and landing page optimization.

This past June, Unbounce  held a multi-city event called The Unbounce Conversion Road Trip that focused on the best practices related to conversion and marketing. The event featured talented pros sharing knowledge and strategies to improve online performance. Of course our team wanted to attend, and we did! Below are some highlights and expert insight that were included at the event:

NSAMCWADLP – This acronym, according to Oli Gardner, Co-Founder of Unbounce, is a key component to any marketing campaign. It stands for Never Start A Marketing Campaign Without A Dedicated Landing Page and is essentially meant to remind you to stay focused on the intended action for your page.

Creating an effective landing page requires several important factors. First and foremost, make sure you figure out exactly what you want people to do once they get to your page. Then, make sure to keep the most important information in the best place. Taking a tip from journalism tactics, make sure not to “bury the lead.” Always put the information in logical order and get rid of any extra details that may create too many paths for the user to take.

Keep the design eye-catching, and on-brand but not cluttered. Too many images on the page may distract from the user’s path. Additionally, the copy should be informative but not excessive.  When copy writing for a page, we should clearly address the user and allow them to identify with a form. John Bonini, Marketing Director at IMPACT, advised the audience to always remember that it’s not about us, it’s about the user. Users tend to rely on what is initially presented, which leads us to…

WYSIATI – This acronym stands for What You See Is All There Is, and is based on knowing your customer.  Michael Aargaard, Founder of Content Verve, suggested using this concept to avoid confusing the audience. Users typically don’t dig around for more details; they tend to stick to what they see right in front of them. So, if we follow this theme, our goal is to get a user to click on our page, read our copy, and then proceed to fill out a form. Don’t forget about using an effective call to action! The path a user has within a page should lead to the button that takes a user to the form you want filled out.

Getting that form filled out is what this is all about. As marketers, we want to be targeting potential customers, not just visitors. To do this, once a landing page or site has been created, methods such as A/B testing are necessary to  follow the data, both quantitative and qualitative, to figure out who your audience is and what could be improved. Dan McGaw, Founder of Effin Amazing, suggests using survey tools at drop-off points to pinpoint specific problems and to only change one element at a time when A/B testing.

Ultimately, marketers want to present something that will resonate with the user while convincing them to take a desired action. To succeed in doing this, visitors need to be able to do two things effectively: answer the question “What is this page about?” and think as the audience, not for the audience.

Don’t lose sight of the page’s actual purpose, but be aware of who your audience is and how they think in order to continue improving your numbers.

For more in-depth highlights, schedule a visit with our team at Van West Media! We’re now offering specialized services in conversion optimization and lead generation.