How to Market Through Twitter Successfully

October 28, 2013

Retweets and favorites are the highlights of Twitter and marketing through this social media channel involves some tactics. Here are some ways to help you get in the top of your Twitter game.

1. Hashtags increase the likelihood of your tweet being retweeted by over 55%. These chances increase more when you hashtag something that is already a trending topic. Hashtags allow your tweets to reach a more specific audience. Those who are interested in the trending topic will see your tweet among the rest of those that have the same hashtag. Also, make sure you don’t overuse hashtags either. Tweets that have more than 3 hashtags may be confusing to others and also limits your 180 character count so choose wisely.

2. Quotation marks also makes a difference as it increased your retweet chances by 30%. Quotes are very popular on Twitter as it gives your followers inspiration in their daily lives. Whether it is from a famous person or from a friend, people feel more connected when they see quotes. They see more than just text on a screen, but an actual person that they can relate to.

3. Photos make a huge difference. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and with the 180 character limit count for tweets, pictures can tell almost the entire story for you. Including photos in your social media breaks your tweet apart from the others that only include text. Our eyes are drawn to imagery and your tweets will get more attention with photos.

However, you should be careful of what platform you are adding photos from. When adding images, don’t cross-platform from Instagram or Facebook. Things added through other social media networks are less likely to be opened. People have either already seen it on other networks or plan to look at them on the main platform they come from later. This is because people like looking at this the correct way in order to respond correctly. ie: When you look at an Instagram image on Twitter, you can’t double-tap to like it. This disrupts your natural reaction and people don’t like that.

4. Call-to-action phrases like “Please RT/help/share/spread” add to your tweet as people are more inclined to read your tweet rather than just scrolling past it. These phrases catch people’s attention as it looks important. They will see reason to read it as it can help a cause. What adds to this is that you are telling your followers how they can help. If you just tweet about a cause, people could just read it and then move on with their lives. If you encourage them to spread the word, they will understand what the tweet’s purpose truly is and it can have a greater audience reach with your help.

5. Be aware of your tweet length. People are usually scrolling through their Twitter feed and if don’t go straight to the point, your tweet will be scrolled past quickly. People don’t want to spend so much time reading through one tweet. Although there is a 180 character limit, reading all 180 characters can be too much for some viewers. Studies show that tweets more likely to be retweeted are no more than 120 characters. The most likely retweeted tweets are of the 100-115 character range. People want to see the point you’re trying to get across without investing too much time in your tweet. Tweet length makes a difference.

These are just a few simple tweaks to your tweets that you can implement for retweet likelihood. Retweets are the best thing on Twitter because it allows others to share what you have to say, giving the ability for your words to be spread to a larger audience. Your tweet will be seen by those following you and to those that are following each person that retweets you. The number of viewers can exponentially multiply in this manner and the larger the audience, the more people you can market to. Increase your reach through twitter retweets and conquer this social media network for your marketing needs.