The 6 Cs of Social Commerce

July 22, 2013

Social commerce is making a boom in this industry. First, there were the three Cs of e-commerce. Then, social media made its way into the e-commerce system and an additional three Cs were added to the mix. Here is the updated list of e-commerce:

Content – The material you have on your site needs to be of value. There are so many sites and pages on the web that you need to make yours of more valuable to the people so that they choose you over others.

Community – By building relationships with the people is important. Social networks have made it easier to do this through Facebook pages with likes and comments. Through this, customers can engage with your brand by giving feedback so you know what you need to change and what you can continue doing.

Commerce – You need to have a transactional web presence to fulfill your customer’s needs such as an online retailer or banking service for B2C services. For B2B transactions, online storage, hosting to product sourcing and fulfillment services are used.

Context – The online world is able to track real-life events through things like online bill payments and check-ins at a physical location on social media networks. This allows brands to provide the right resources to specific customers based on location and interest.

Connection – Professional, social and casual relationships through networks including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are basis of this.

Conversation – All markets are conversations and the challenge is for suppliers to tap into those conversations on the web. Marketeers must seek the people who desire their products. Using social media features like a “Things I Want” board on Pinterest or the “liking” of a specific item on Facebook are key for this.

Read our updated post on the 8 Cs of Social Commerce!


About the Author: Travis Melvin is a web and marketing professional working for VWM in New York City. His current focus is on website audits and reviews, content and search ranking.