April Fool’s Brand Hoaxes of 2013

April 03, 2013

The start of April may bring in the warm spring weather but get ready to have a few pranks along with it.  Businesses take holidays like April Fools and use it to amuse their audience to connect with their brand. By using the holidays to connect with the people, a recognizable path of parody is made to help audiences interpret the product’s intentions.

Click to watch the “Scope Bacon” video!

B.M.W. introduces the P.R.A.M. (Postnatal Royal Auto Mobile)

Click to watch the “Google Nose” Video!

These are some of the many creative advertisements large brands came up with to stir audiences. By creating ideas to converse, whether as a joke or in a serious matter, you are creating word-of-mouth advertising across mass audiences. On top of this method, people will also post and share these ads through social media as well. This is the quickest way of spreading news about your brand and to make it known to those all around.

Take advantage of the holidays and incorporate them into your advertising plan. Your audience will get a kick out of it and your name will resonate with a notable branding backstory when mentioned.