Email Campaign

October 22, 2012

Since its voting season, we’ve all been getting a ton of emails.  We’re not going to talk about who we’re voting for but we will say that campaign sends us about five emails per day from former Presidents, pop stars, First Ladies, and more.  These emails are always gracious, brief, respectful and direct.  Pretty great practice for an email campaign. Final tip you can take from this campaign?  Timing is everything.

Like any campaign, the nucleus of your efforts should be in direct relationship to your audience.  What are their activities like?  What’s the journey that visitors of your site take?  If you don’t know the habits of your readers then you probably don’t know how to start your campaign.

What’s the most simple tactic?  Timing.  Finding the best time to send an email means knowing the best time to read an email.

When do most people read their emails?

8AM-10Am and 3PM-4PM…so sending an email at noon may not work in your favor.

Another thing to keep in mind?  Most emails get read within one hour of being sent.  This means that if you send your email campaign out at 5PM (during peak commute time) chances are your email will be lost.

Did you know that there are popular email days?  There are.   According to a Mail Chimp research, most emails are sent on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  So you might consider sending your campaign 9AM Monday morning.  Or you might want to send your campaign 8AM Tuesday morning, to catch the beginning of that popular wave.

In general?  People read more emails during the day than at night.  Most people don’t like to read emails on Fridays.  You can go from there.

Other quick tips?

People love popular links.  Including a few strong links in your campaign will improve your click through rate.  So get linked.

Not all of your subscribers actually want to hear from you everyday.  Find out those who are actually interested in hearing from you daily.  Don’t email your subscribers who arean’t.

Write strong and personal content.  Consider personalizing the type of your content.  Create tech heavy content for your tech-loving readers.  Create language heavy content for your language-loving readers.  The thought you take here will pay off later.

Emails are all about engagement.  They are meant to move your readers to action.  And if you’re not engaging with your readers, how do you expect them to engage with you?  Study, engage, send.

We’ll see you next week.